Book Resources

By: Ken Sande
Experience the healing power of biblical peacemaking as you learn to apply scriptural principles to conflict in the world around you. Parse the elements of arguments and begin to see that there's not really any difference that can't be overcome with the right perspective. It's practical guidance for resolving all types of conflict and hope for relationships you thought were unsalvageable.

By: Ken Sande
Bless your family by learning and implementing the valuable principles found in Peacemaking for Families: the Peacemaker's Pledge, the Seven A's of Forgiveness, and the PAUSE principle of negotiation. With the help of engaging real-life stories, you'll learn how to create a harmonious environment based on basic conflict resolution skills found in Scripture. A Focus on the Family resource; paperback.

By: Robert D. Jones
You have conflict in your life-we all do. You encounter it in your home, your workplace, your school, or even your church. All around us tensions exist and disputes persist. Author Robert D. Jones offers a step-by-step process for pursuing peace in ALL your relationships and a tool you can use to help others.

By Doyle Roth
Toxic Sons- and Daughters-in-Law helps expose the harmful attitudes and actions of a difficult son- or daughter-in-law and calls for biblical repentance and change. Untangling the destructive and dysfunctional nature of their abusive behavior will help parents manage the painful process of rejection, manipulation and anger. Practical counsel throughout the book will guide parents through the minefield of emotions to a God-glorifying conclusion and a lifestyle marked by application of biblical principles.
Audios Resources
IBCD Counseling Resources on Conflict
CCEF Counseling Resources on Conflict
Truth in Love Podcast - ACBC
Resolving Conflict
CCEF Counseling Resources on Conflict
Truth in Love Podcast - ACBC
Resolving Conflict